
MIT Develops Electronic Glasses That Can Read Emotions

"You don't look very happy," Armando says. "Is that because I made you buy in me lunch?"

Mind-reading still might be a slipway off, simply the MIT Media Lab has come up with spectacles that can read a someone's emotions. These social X-ray specs have a built-in camera linked to software that analyzes facial expressions.

The special specs were developed by Rosalind Picard, Rana el Kaliouby, and Simon Baron-Cohen. The research was to begin with conscious to help autistic individuals who power lack the social instincts to recognize a person's emotions during conversations.

The prototype glasses are built with a rice-grain-size camera wired to a estimator the size up of a pack of cards. The camera can give chase 24 feature points of facial expression. The coupled estimator scans the little-expressions to gauge how ofttimes they appear and for how long, while comparison the data with a bank of expressions created by actors and known aside volunteers.

The specs electrical relay a summarized interpretation of emotional information to the user through an earpiece, cogent the user the subject's spirit, much atomic number 3 addlepated or in disagreement. An included light signifies agreement or conflict by turning park surgery red.

Heretofore the device has been effective in acquiring autistic individuals many involved in conversations. Picard and elevation Kaliouby as wel found that an modal person could right interpret expressions only 54 percent of the time whereas the glasses could identify them correctly 64 per centum of the time. Sill, though the social group X-ray glasses are impressive, Picard says that they are not foolproof. The glasses can be tricked, though doing so requires constant assiduousness.

The applied science is currently being used by Picard and el Kaliouby's society, Affectiva, to provide deeper market testing for advertisements and movies. Meanwhile, some other confrere of the researchers, Mohammed Hoque has been fine-tuning the algorithms to detect subtle differences between expressions, much as smiles of delight versus smiles of foiling, along with 10 different types of Japanese smiles.

Spick-and-span Scientist has the full inside information in its story; it's worth a read if you're at all fascinated in that technology.

[via New Scientist]

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